Onward Endeavors



— We are the next step in moving you forward. Strategic advancement in your mindset and skill set so you can design, build and run a business built around your life and preferences. 


Onward Endeavors was born out of my belief that humans were designed to be creators of our own IDEAL lives.  That we are capable of experiencing tremendous joy and achieving great works. I have worked hard to develop a systemized approach that helped me do exactly that. Onward Endeavors allows me to share that process with you. If you are ready for change, we will show you how to get there.

Heather J. Russell


Meet Some Of Our ClientS



“I have never felt such a strong feeling of calm in my daily life, where I once felt mostly stress. I have been able to begin creating an environment around me that people want to be around. I used to confuse people pleasing with empathy and I neglected myself leading to misconceptions. Now I have clarity on how to communicate and professionally others have started opening up to me and working with me. These changes are bringing incredible results in my sales performance."



“The difference is clear. Now, I have the tools to clearly communicate my ideas and lead my team to execute them. The time I used to waste feeling frustrated and unable to move forward is now spent getting things done and growing my business.”



“Working with Onward Endeavors was like an awakening for me. I have more confidence, discipline and intention. I am clear now in defining my goals, creating the plans to achieve them and following through on the actions needed to get them done. People are more relaxed and comfortable around me because I have less anxiety and have become a better leader. Their programs helped me find the answers I had been looking for.”



“When I met Heather, I was complacent and in a dead end job. One simple exercise from her gave me a completely new perspective on what I was capable of and what I deserved in my life. Heather is driven and passionate about helping others. No matter what stage you are at in your life or business, she will be there for you. I gained the clarity and confidence I needed to pursue my path.”



“Absolutely life-changing.”



“Heather really becomes your partner in this program, guiding you through a process that shows you how to dig deeper than you could on your own. I used to manage the sales process and my employees, now, I lead my team. I used to get stuck in my head and now I have a perspective that allows others to grow. We all need coaches in our lives, helping us get better. Taking this program and having Heather as a coach changed my life, it changed me.”



“[The Connect the Dots program] made me look at myself in a different manner. I was able to use empathy instead of judgment and harsh critique, giving myself room and permission to grow.” time.”

“Past values and failures were defining me and keeping me in this loop of ‘why bother.’ I’ve forgiven myself and allowed myself room to learn new habits worth having.”

“Heather’s approach was firm, clear, unapologetic and kind all at the same time.”



“...the place I was at when I decided to work with Heather, wasn’t great. This was the perfect choice for me. It allowed me to grow in my profession and my life. If you are considering working with Onward Endeavors, just do it. Put in the work, follow the steps and you are going to get to where you want to be.”

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